Easy Pickles and Jams
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- Written by Easy Cool Ways
- Category: Pickles & Jams
- Hits: 3782
Zero Oil Pickle
Zero Oil pickle recipe is so unique and healthy like our other recipes. This pickle is made without any oil hence it is zero oil pickle or oil free Achar. This vegetable pickle is not only oil free but also has many other health benefits. It is based on probiotic formula hence it is good for the health.
This pickle also helps in reducing belly fat. It also helps in digestion, regulate acidity, reduce the bloating hence help in weight loss. Probiotics are good for our health, they helps nutrient absorption, boost the immunity, prevent fat accumulation, regulate the blood sugar level hance good for diabetics.
This pickle is so tasty and really easy to make. Inspite of being oil-free and less spicy it is so delicious. It has a crunchy texture that makes it even more interesting you can munch on it and enjoy the bite unlike the other Pickles those are mushy .
Click Zero Oil Pickle Recipe to view Recipe and see how to make Easy Zero Oil Pickle
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- Number of views on Youtube: 12135
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- Written by Easy Cool Ways
- Category: Pickles & Jams
- Hits: 3110
Amla Chutney
Amla chutney is a best way to have amla or Indian gooseberry to boost your immunity power. Believe it or not it is the best amla chutney you have ever had, you will definitely going to thank me for this awesome recipe.
It is not only nutritious but also too tasty and so balanced in flavours; if you do not tell, no one can taste amla in it.
Chutney, it is one of the most favourite condiments in an Indian kitchen. Either it is Spicy or tangy and sweet, there are a lot of variety of chutneys all over India.
Amla chutney is perfect for winters, when fresh Amla/Indian Gooseberry is in season. This chutney has spicy, tangy and slighty sweet flavour those are perfectly balanced. Along with the awesome taste, it has great nutritious value, as Amla is rich in Vitamin C, high in antioxidants and fibre, thus it is also diabetic friendly dish. And nothing goes waste, if you make chutney in spite of amla juice.
It is a quick and easy Amla Chutney recipe to make, that comes together in few minutes. So, when you see fresh amlas in market, buy it to make this tasty chutney. It can be stored in an airtight container in the fridge for up to a week.
Along with Amla I added fresh coriander and mint to bring the freshness and apple raisins to balance the tartness of Amla.
It can be used with snacks like dhokla, samosa or even dosa or idlies and it is great for any salad or chat as well. In my home every one enjoys it with parathas and chapatis as well, even the kids love it. So you have to try this….
Click Amla Chutney Recipe to view Recipe and see how to make Easy Amla Chutney
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- Number of views on Youtube: 755
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- Written by Easy Cool Ways
- Category: Pickles & Jams
- Hits: 4391
Beetroot Chutney
We all know that beetroot is a superfood but not every one is able to include it in their daily life, as it seems to be bitter for some people to consume raw.
Today I am going to share a delicious way to have beetroots. Making beetroot chutney is a great way to add extra beetroots in your food.
This beetroot chutney or beetroot pickle can be served with rice, parotta, chapati or snack or even can be used in sandwiches or burgers. No matter with what you serve it, it always take the food to the next level. And the best part is that it can be stored for a very long time. It is that delicious that it will become your first choice over the pickles and you will definitely going to thank me for the recipe.
So lets have a look at the recipe.
Making Beetroot chutney at home is so easy, and once you’ve tried this recipe you’ll never go back to the store bought again.
This chutney can also makes a lovely home made gift to give to friends and family.
Click Beetroot Chutney Recipe to view Recipe and see how to make Easy Beetroot Chutney
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- Number of views on Youtube: 421
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- Written by Easy Cool Ways
- Category: Pickles & Jams
- Hits: 9613
Quick peanut chutney
I am going to share with you an instant peanut chutney recipe.
you don't even need any mixer grinder to make this quick peanut chutney.
It is ready within a minute and only have three ingredients. This can be enjoyed with idly dosa ,uttapam and many more.You can even put some tadka (tempering)over it to take it to the next level. This is just like south Indian style peanut chutney.
Click Quick peanut chutney Recipe to view Recipe and see how to make Easy Quick peanut chutney
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- Number of views on Youtube: 5729
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