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No Bake Mango Cheese Cake
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No Bake Mango Cheese Cake

No Bake Mango Cheese cake is quick and easy way to satisfy your sweet tooth without so much of efforts and the one I am sharing today is a no bake version means you don’t have to bake in this hot weather to enjoy this cake.

No bake mango cheese cake is made without cream cheese, whipping cream or gelatine so that you can make it with the ingredients that are easily available at your home.

This is a make ahead dessert,so you can make it in advance for any upcoming occasion or get together. It not only tastes delicious but also an exciting way to enjoy the goodness of mango and beat the heat.

Click No Bake Mango Cheese Cake Recipe to view Recipe and see how to make Easy No Bake Mango Cheese Cake

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Easy No Bake Mango Cheese Cake Recipe

  • 1 Cup chena/cottage cheese (made from 1 litre of milk)
  • ½ Cup hung curd
  • ½ cup sugar
  • ½ tsp vanilla essence
  • 6-7 digestive biscuits
  • 2-3 tbsp butter
  • 1 medium size mango
  • Some blueberries add mint leaves for garnish

How to make Easy No Bake Mango Cheese Cake

  1. Step-1

    For making chena put the milk to boil and once it is boiled switch off the flame and add vinegar or lemon juice to it to curdle it.

  2. Step-2

    Once the milk curdles strain it and collect the milk solids that is chena,let it cool and refrigerate for 5-6 hours.

  3. Step-3

    Take 1 cup of chena in mixer and add sugar to it.Pulse it few times to get a smooth mixture,do not over mix.

  4. Step-4

    Take the mixture out in a bowl and add hung curd and vanilla essence to it .mix it well .

  5. Step-5

    Now mix in few mango pieces to it. Add a coarsely crushed biscuit it will help absorb the moisture.

  6. Step-6

    Now for the cheese cake base finely crush 5-6 digestive biscuits and add melted butter to it.

  7. Step-7

    Mix it well and spread in a ring mould.Press gently spread it evenly.

  8. Step-8

    Now pour the prepared cheese cake mixture over it.

  9. Step-9

    Refrigerate for 5-6 hours.

  10. Step-10

    Unmould and garnish with chopped mango slices,blue berries and mint leaves.




No Bake Mango Cheese Cake Video Recipe:




Try this Easy No Bake Mango Cheese Cake Recipe and let us know how it turned out for you. We would love to hear from you.


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