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Easy Curd Sandwich | Easy Fast Food
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Easy Curd Sandwich | Easy Fast Food

Curd sandwich is a healthy alternative of coleslaw sandwich and taste even better than that with less calories. it is so simple to make and so versatile and so easy to make. you can add the veggies as per your choice . you can eat these chill or you can grill these on pan or grill as per your choice.

You can make these for breakfast or office lunch or for evening snack.it has protein in form of curd ,lots of veggies and  carbohydrate as a bread so this is a complete meal .These can be made in advance for a hassle free morning .

You can use the bread of your choice it can be whole wheat it can be 50 50 or multi grain or multi seed .

So here's the my version of curd sandwich

Click Curd Sandwich Recipe to view Recipe and see how to make EASY Curd Sandwich

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EASY Curd Sandwich Recipe

  • 1 cup hung curd or greek yogurt
  • 1 tbsp chilli sauce(preferably red)
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper or as per taste
  • salt as per taste
  • 1 tsp mint sauce(optional)
  • 4 tbsp finely chopped cabbage
  • 3 tbsp finely chopped or grated carrots
  • 3 tablespoons finely chopped mixed bell peppers(capsicum)
  • 1 tbsp chopped cilantro(green coriander)
  • butter as required
  • 6 to 8 bread slices, whole wheat or brown or multigrain or white bread

How to make EASY Curd Sandwich

  1. Step-1

    for making hung curd tie some fresh curd into a muslin cloth and leave in the refrigerator for three to four hours .

  2. Step-2

    in a large mixing bowl add hung curd, chilli sauce, mint sauce, salt and pepper .Combine well .

  3. Step-3

    add chopped vegetables and cilantro and mix it well. Filling is ready for the sandwiches.

  4. Step-4

    spread the filling generously on a slice of bread and cover it with another slice, cut into half and sandwich is ready to serve .

  5. Step-5

    for the other version of sandwich add 2 tablespoon of cheese in the remaining filling and mix it well .

  6. Step-6

    apply butter on one side of the bread .spread the filling on another side and sandwich with another bread keeping the butter outside .

  7. Step-7

    Heat a pan and cook the sandwich on low to medium heat until it's crisp and golden. flip and cook on another side cut into half and serve immediately .



  • Curd should not be sour.
  • If using tomatoes then deseed them to avoid sour taste.
  • If you are making these in advance or packing in lunch avoid adding onions


Easy Curd Sandwich Easy Fast Food Video Recipe:




Try this Curd Sandwich recipe and let us know how it turned out for you. We would love to hear from you.


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